The desire to have a healthy and beautiful smile is a major determining factor that intrigues most orthodontic patients into straightening their teeth with orthodontic braces. However, this has become a significant nightmare for most orthodontic patients using the traditional metal braces for straighter teeth, especially for image-conscious teenagers, working professionals, and others who do not want to draw unnecessary attention to their ongoing dental work.
If the thoughts of these traditional metal braces do not sound appealing to you, we understand you correctly. However, you will be glad to know that you are not out of options as you think; lingual or incognito braces are yet another alternative to the traditional metal braces. What exactly are incognito braces? How do they work? And how much do they cost compared to other options such as the conventional metal braces?
These question and more will be answered while providing you with all additional necessary information to help you make an informed decision.
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Incognito or Lingual braces are fixed orthodontic device that consists of brackets and wires just like the conventional metal braces; the only striking difference is that the brackets are placed behind the teeth, rather than in the front teeth. However, they are smaller when compared to the traditional metal braces, and are completely customised to meet your need.
Incognito braces attached behind the teeth rather than the outer part, making them less visible when you smile. In other words, since they are placed behind the teeth where the tongue rests, they are barely noticed by casual observers except you open your mouth full.
Incognito braces are custom-made for your teeth, and are suitable for the patients of all ages, and are quite useful in the treatment of most types of dental misalignment.
The application process of incognito braces stays pretty much the same, along with similar food and beverages rule that you are to follow when it comes to issues concerning braces. In other words, chewing gum, hard or sticky food that may affect your teeth should still stay out of your diet until your braces come off. Braces also come in different brands — Incognito hidden brands is a popular choice among most orthodontics patients looking to straighten their teeth with the help of lingual braces. It is prone to the fact that they can be easily customised by your orthodontist to meet your individual needs.
However, while these braces may be useful in the treatment of various dental misalignment among most Orthodontic patients, there are several drawbacks of this treatment option, some of them are listed below;
If you need help in fitting your incognito braces, you can contact Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic in London or you can call us on 02071830755 to book an appointment with an experienced dentist.
Although incognito braces are barely conventional like the regular braces, the technologies utilised are advanced with several accompanying benefits. Typically, the method may involve the use of 3D printing, CAD/CAM manufacturing, and robots. More so, since every patient's brackets are custom made, the braces are specifically made to fit each patient’s teeth perfectly.
The first step to getting your braces fitted is by collecting a detailed impression of the teeth. This can be either done by using a tray full of putty or by scanning your teeth with a machine that captures the digital image of your mouth. This impression will be sent off to the lab with your dental prescription so that a brace made to meet your dental need is created. The orthodontic lab will create casts from the impression, and then a technician will create an image of what your teeth will look like after the treatment. This image is referred to as a setup.
Once this setup is complete, it is scanned into the computer and sent to the dentist for approval. If approved by the dentist, the orthodontic lab will create actual brackets, customising them to fit each tooth. This process may take a few weeks to complete.
Next, your orthodontist will prepare your teeth for dental bonding, so that the procedure is fast and effective. After your teeth have been made for bonding, cement will be applied to the teeth.
Once the above process is complete, the orthodontist will place the brackets into an applicator tray, which will fit perfectly into your teeth, while ensuring that the brackets are held in place, so that they are bonded to the teeth easily— ideally, this process may take place, four weeks after the impressions.
After the cement, the orthodontist will break off the applicator tray, leaving the brackets to lie correctly on the teeth.
Incognito braces have got a lot of orthodontics patients considering why they are so popular among other brands of lingual braces, even when there are numerous brands of lingual braces all over the world.
The primary benefit of incognito braces is that they are custom-made in a laboratory from detailed scans and impressions from the mouth — the wire is precisely shaped to ensure that each need is met after treatment. Therefore eliminating the margin error that is often common when using other braces, especially when the orthodontist is expected to decide the position of each bracket while shaping the wire — it ensures that the treatment is effective and shorter when compared to other types of braces.
The incognito brand offers a natural alternative to full mouth orthodontic treatment, specifically for patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their front teeth. Thus, the incognito lite braces can be easily fitted to just a few front 6-8 teeth and can be used in either one or both jaws. It also works best for patients looking to cut cost on their orthodontic treatment — since the option is less expensive when compared to the full treatment.
The materials and time employed in straightening the front teeth are less, making it a cost-effective means of straightening the front teeth. If you are more concerned about straightening your front teeth, you may need to consider this treatment option.
The cost of incognito braces are usually expensive, and may vary, depending on the following factors:
In London, incognito braces may vary between £4000 and £10,000, while incognito lite braces may differ from £1500 to £5000. If this appears too expensive for you, you can ask your dentist for an available payment plan. You can also consider mixing and matching braces to save cost; for example, you can consider fitting incognito braces on the upper jaw, which is more feasible, while other braces like clear aligners can be mounted on the lower jaw since the lower jaws are barely noticed.
If you feel incognito lingual braces are too expensive; there are other alternatives to incognito braces you can choose.
Invisible braces like Invisalign uses a set of clear aligners that are effective for about 90% of alignment problems— this is an affordable and useful means of straightening the teeth without it being overly apparent like the traditional metal braces. You can also utilise Ceramic or tooth coloured braces, since they are quite useful in straightening the teeth more conspicuously.
Incognito lingual braces offer discreet teeth straightening with brackets fixed to the back. But then, the fact that they are custom made with the use of sophisticated technology makes them one of the most expensive means of straightening the teeth discreetly. However, if you need an orthodontist in London do not hesitate to reach out to Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic in London or you can place a call to us on 02071830755 to book an appointment.