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    Porcelain Veeners


Porcelain veneers are made from layers of plastic or ceramic material, and they are bonded to the teeth to improve their appearances. They are designed in the lab by the lab technician or ceramist into thin layers which are usually about 0.3 millimetres. This type of veneer improves the appearance of teeth without any drilling or injections, but the enamel of your healthy teeth may be removed so that teeth will not appear bigger after they must have been fitted. This type of veneer is useful for closing gaps between teeth, correcting teeth colour or fixing irregular sizes of teeth.

Uses Of Porcelain Veneers

The use of porcelain veneer includes the following;

  • Aligning mildly crooked teeth
  • Enhancement of the smile
  • Correcting discoloured and unsightly teeth
  • Closing gaps or fixing chipped and broken teeth

Advantages Of Porcelain Veneers

Using modern porcelain materials such as Emax veneers or Lumineers for dental treatment has a lot of benefits, they include;

  • It helps to remove or minimise the need for any tooth drilling completely
  • Porcelain veneers do not stain; you can keep your teeth shining provided you keep to your daily oral health exercises (brushing or flossing).
  • Treatment can be completed with just a few appointments
  • Porcelain is quicker for correcting gap teeth compared to orthodontic treatment which takes time before it is useful.
  • There is no need for injections or drilling – local anaesthetic can be used to make patients more comfortable during the procedure.
  • Porcelain veneer enhances a natural and uniform nice-looking smile, especially when they are done for more than one teeth.

Disadvantages of porcelain veneers

The problems of porcelain include the following:

  • Teeth may appear larger when veneers are fitted since there is no drilling — veneers are ideal for people with small teeth that wish to have more extensive teeth.
  • There is a need to remove enamel of healthy teeth (prepping) to prevent teeth appearing more significant and bulky — you can consider composite veneers if you do not want the enamel of your healthy teeth removed.
  • It can pull off if not properly bonded.
  • Porcelain can chip or break, and the veneers will need to be entirely replaced, which will be an additional cost.
  • Repairing veneers is not possible
  • Veneers have to be replaced every 10 - 20 years, which has cost implications.

Cost Of Porcelain Veneers

The estimated cost of porcelain veneers in the UK is around £945 - £1,900. The cost varies as a result of the following reasons:

  • The experience and skills of the dentist providing the treatment.
  • The type of materials used.
  • Experience and skills of the dental lab technician making the veneers
  • The brand to be used, such as Lumineers and Durathin veneers.

Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic can provide you with quality and durable brands of porcelain at affordable prices. Visit our clinic in London or call 020 71830755 for enquiry or to book an appointment today.

Do Porcelain Veneers Break Or Come Off?

Porcelain veneers may pull off sometimes when it is not properly bonded — the risk of your veneer breaking or pulling out is low, it happens once in every hundred.  Your veneer may break or pull off when excessive force is exerted on it or caused by some bad habits and diets. It may not be possible to repair veneers, but they can be replaced — you may need to replace the entire set when anyone breaks off.

Can porcelain veneers stain or be whitened?

Porcelain veneers are not quick to stain because they are covert resistant— your regular brushing can put them back in shape. It is not possible to whiten veneers; they remain the colour in which it was made in the laboratory.

What Is The Process Of Porcelain Veneers?

The process to get porcelain veneer to start with a visit to your dentist. The dentist examines your teeth for underlying issues such as gum diseases. If you have any underlying dental problems, it must be treated first so that it does not hinder the success of your treatment.

The dentist will examine your teeth further to know if they are suitable for the porcelain veneer. A trail smile procedure will be done to understand what your veneers will look like after it is fitted— based on your trial smile procedure, the dentist will know if any tooth needs to be removed or if other modifications will be made to your teeth so that he or she can discuss them with you in details. If you are happy with the trial smile result, the teeth can be treated and modified.

An impression of your teeth will be taken afterwards to make veneers for your teeth based on the design discussed in the trial smile procedure. With a trial smile, you can get a better idea of what your veneers will look like and minor errors can be corrected when making your final veneers in the lab.

After your veneers have been produced in the lab, your dentist gets them fitted on your teeth with a dental adhesive.

How Long Do The Porcelain Veneers Last?

A porcelain veneer can last between 15 - 20 years. However, it may not last long if the following factors come to play:

  • The habits of the patient, such as smoking.
  • Tooth grinding
  • Patients diet
  • Accidental damage
  • Patients bite and the position of the teeth

The Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic can provide you with porcelain veneers at affordable prices. You should visit our clinic in London or call us on 020 71830755 to book an appointment.